Oil Spill and Seep

Global estimates of oil slicks in the ocean suggest that around half are due to man-made causes (oil spills) while the other half are due to natural causes (oil seeps). The ability to differentiate between oil spills & oil seeps brings with it immense environmental benefits & economic opportunity. The detection of oil spills can help restrict marine pollution while that of oil seeps can provide Oil & Gas Exploration companies with valuable information about active petroleum systems under the seabed.

Oil Seep of the Coast

The key features of this service are as follows:

  • ­Identifying dark formations and distinguishing oil slicks from look-alikes
  • ­Assessing oceanic and meteorological information (wind, temperature, wave)
  • ­Computing statistical features of the oil slick
  • ­Determining oil slick extent, such as area, perimeter, latitude and longitude
  • ­Evaluating contextual data for ships, such as AIS and bright-spot indicators
  • ­Evaluating contextual data of slick location, such as frequency, distance from shore and water column depth.

How are the services provided?

  • The classification of oil spills and oil seeps is based on quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
  • The results are provided in a report with tabulated data. Geo-referenced data can also be provided in the form of GeoTIFFs or KMZ files or as per requirement.

Satsense Solutions Oil Spill and Oil Seep Detection Services provide a highly effective solution for preventing marine pollution and also providing valuable information for Oil & Gas exploration:

  • Limit further marine destruction
  • Forecast spread of the spill and determine extent of damage
  • Assist in cleanup activities
  • Find potential causes and prevent future oil spills
  • Indicate location of active petroleum systems under the seabed
  • ­Select offshore blocks for Oil & Gas exploration
Oil spill off the coast, bright spots indicating Ships conducting clean-up activities .

Satsense Solutions Oil Spill & Seep services can be used by a variety of businesses and governmental agencies such as:​

  • Coast guards to aid in clean-up activities and predict the direction of the oil slick spread
  • ­Port authorities to monitor illegal spillage from ships and platforms
  • ­Environmental Protection Agencies to determine the cause of oil spill
  • ­Insurance companies to determine the extent of damage caused by oil spill
  • ­Oil & Gas exploration companies to monitor oil seeps and locate offshore oil reserves